"4 in 1" ilitiga Međimurska gibanica
Poppy seeds, cheese, walnuts and apples…, all in one cake… Rich, fine, caloric…. For those who don't need it, and for those who don't want to pay attention to every calorie…

Preparation steps
- Prepare 10 sheets of gibanica dough and 4 types of stuffing. Prepare the fillings as follows.
- Stuffing I: put sugar, a little grated zest of unsprayed lemon in ground poppy seeds, steam with hot milk and mix well.
- Stuffing II: put sugar and one whole egg in fresh cow's cheese and mix well.
- Stuffing III: Mix ground walnuts with sugar and steam with milk.
- Stuffing IV: Wash the apples, peel, grate, mix with the sugar and a little cinnamon.
- Coat the tin with melted butter.
- Take 2 sheets of gibanica dough, put half in a tin and coat with melted butter, and half hang out. Then fold the other half of the dough (the one that hung out) into the tin and also coat it with melted butter.
- Put the FIRST STUFFING-MAK and level.
- Repeat the process with the dough: part 1 of the process, part 2 of the process.
- Put the SECOND STUFFING-CHEESE and flatten.
- Repeat the process with the dough: part 1 of the process, part 2 of the process.
- Put the THIRD STUFFING-WALNUTS and align.
- Repeat the process with the dough: part 1 of the process, part 2 of the process.
- Put the FOUREST APPLES-APPLES that you have previously "squeezed" (squeezed the juice) and flatten.
- Put the last layer of dough.
- Bake the Međimurje gibanica in a preheated oven at 180 degrees (electric oven) or at "4 degree" (gas oven). Bake for 35-40 minutes.
- When the gibanica is baked "in half", take it out of the oven and coat with cream.
- Sprinkle the baked gibanica with powdered sugar. A close look.
- It can be served hot or cold.