Rosa Cooking


Catfish, oyster mushrooms, toast. All with the same topping. It's Friday, it should be easy :)

Preparation steps

  • Coat the pan with oil (or put baking paper)
  • Arrange catfish and oyster mushrooms. (If the oyster mushrooms are larger, you can cut the stems and even stack them).
  • In a blender, mix the garlic (I put 4-5 cloves), parsley (I also have celery leaves), rosemary, a teaspoon of salt and oil to cover)
  • Pour the mixture over the catfish and oyster mushrooms.
  • Leave to stand for at least 15 minutes to absorb everything.
  • Put the fish in the oven at 200C for about 15 minutes.
  • Arrange the toast in another pan and coat it with the same mixture, or you can, like me, pour out the excess liquid from the first pan after those 15 minutes, then put everything back in the oven for about 10 minutes, to bake.
  • Good apetite!


It started from oyster mushrooms mediteraneo (I admit), and since I like to go the line of least resistance (ie I don't like standing in the kitchen for a long time), it came to 3 in 1. :)