2nd Croatian Pharmacy Day
Pharmacies in Croatia will mark their day for the second time this year, on October 29, following the example of many European countries. This date was chosen according to the first written mention of a pharmacy in Croatia, in Trogir, on October 29, 1271.

Preparation steps
- The celebration of the 2nd Croatian Pharmacy Day, October 29, 2008, is dedicated to the topic MEDICINES AND TRAFFIC SAFETY, with which pharmacists want to contribute to greater traffic safety and draw the attention of the general public to the possible negative impact of certain drugs on traffic participation.
- Numerous traffic accidents happen every day and unnecessarily lose and destroy lives. When analyzing the causes of traffic accidents, in more than 85% of cases the person is responsible. Increasingly rare are the causes of bad roads, signalization or technical defects of vehicles. It is believed that the accident occurs primarily due to the inadequate reaction of drivers in critical situations. A driver with his temperament, emotions, health condition, character traits, attitudes towards driving can destroy his or someone else's health and life at one time. Alcohol is the most common cause of road accidents, while drugs are rarely mentioned as the cause of accidents, although it is clear that the side effects of certain drugs affect the ability to drive a vehicle. Some drugs are a great potential danger of which many are unaware. Especially dangerous is the combination of drugs and alcohol or drugs, alcohol and drugs. Almost the entire population participates in road traffic, whether as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, drivers or passengers in cars, buses and trams. Due to numerous road users, even small human errors can be fatal. It is for these reasons that in many countries, including ours, preventive measures and activities are being taken to achieve greater traffic safety.
- Pharmacists are the most accessible health professionals, who can use advice to warn citizens about the possibility of the impact of drugs on their psychophysical abilities and thus on their behavior in traffic. The advisory role of the pharmacist in this area should be unavoidable for the patient and binding on the pharmacist. Some medicines increase the safety of road users, because it is the proper control of the disease with the help of medicines that often enables patients to participate in traffic on an equal footing. However, many medications, especially at the beginning of treatment or when inadequately administered, can cause drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, impaired concentration, muscle weakness, and can change both behavior and experience. The drug does not work equally on every person. The effect of the medicine depends on the age, sex, dose of the medicine, the pharmaceutical form of the medicine and the time of taking it, and the interaction of several medicines and the interaction of medicines and food is possible. It should be noted that in addition to prescription drugs, other over-the-counter medications can affect driving ability. Various dietary supplements, which, in addition to pharmacies, can be purchased in supermarkets, online or in magazines, can also affect traffic safety. On their packaging, unlike medicines, there are no warnings regarding the safety of participating in traffic.
- We therefore encourage patients to consult with pharmacists and find out: - how the medicines or dietary supplements they use can affect their driving ability - how long after taking certain medicines they should not drive.
- Be our photo reporter and take a picture of how that Day was marked in your pharmacy!
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2. Croatian Pharmacy Day is organized by: the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society and the Croatian Pharmacy Chamber in cooperation with Pliva under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia.