2 Yeast masks - against acne and dry skin
The masks are from the newspaper, I tried another one last night, and I think the result is great, because the combination of ingredients is also good. Yeast contains biotin which helps in the fight against acne, and also for dry skin.

Preparation steps
- First mask: Pour one tablespoon of yeast with one tablespoon of hot water and let it stand for five minutes to cool. Then add one teaspoon of honey and a quarter of a teaspoon of powdered gelatin to the cooled contents. Mix everything and apply quickly on the face, because the mask tightens quickly due to the gelatin. Leave it on your face for about 20 minutes, then do a gentle peeling and rinse with lukewarm water. Dry your face with a light towel and apply the appropriate cream.
- For another mask, add more egg yolks and one teaspoon of olive oil to the acne-based mass. Apply the contents on the face, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and nourish with a suitable cream.
- While you wait, have some tea and read something. After about 10 minutes you won't be able to laugh :). Have a handkerchief next to you, in case it drips from your face.