15 minute cake with strawberries and biscuits
I just can’t resist sharing with you the recipe for this perfectly simple, quick and delicious strawberry treat, from the culinary blog Recipeci. Exactly 15 minutes is enough for its preparation ... so by running to the garden to pick fragrant strawberries, in the evening before going to bed, combine these few ingredients and put them in the fridge. In the morning, decorate with whipped cream, decorate with a few strawberries and a delicious seasonal "masher" is ready for your enjoyment!

Preparation steps
- Stir the pudding powder with the sugar into a little milk. Boil the rest of the milk and when it boils, boil the pudding. Cook, stirring, for a few minutes until the pudding thickens. Remove from the heat and while still hot, stir in the butter cut into pieces and stir well with a whisk until the cream is completely melted. Then add the sour cream and mix well again and evenly the cream. Then add the biscuits broken into pieces (break them with your hands) and mix everything well with a food processor. Finally add the finely chopped strawberries and mix them lightly into the cream with the biscuits. Pour the prepared creamy mass into a tin or cake tin of any size, flatten and store in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to allow the cake to cool well and the cream to harden. Apply specially whipped sweet cream over the cooled cake, cut into pieces of the desired size and enjoy each bite.
- The amount is enough for a round mold with a diameter of 26 cm and you have the whole CAKE. A very simple, tasty and quantitatively generous summer dessert. I am sure I will try it in this form with all the seasonal fruits.
- I note once again that the recipe was taken from the blog http://recipeci.com, and the photos of the performance are mine.
- Good apetite!