1001 ticket
Great, simple cake.

Preparation steps
- Roll out and bake 4 puff pastry crusts. Let them bake a little better, to cut the cake.
- Stir 3 puddings with a little milk and 2 egg yolks. Put the rest of the milk to boil with 3 tablespoons of sugar. When it boils, remove from the stove and add the egg pudding. Mix the cream, stir and return to a low heat. Cool the cooked cream well. Add margarine and powdered sugar to the cooled mixture. Mix well.
- Whip 1/2 l of sweet cream.
- We spread the cake in this order: KORA-KREMA-ŠLAG KORA-KREMA-ŠLAG KORA-KREMA-ŠLAG and the last remaining crust of puff pastry crumble well and sprinkle with whipped cream from above.
The cake is served well chilled.